Communication and Benefits

Art by Gary Murrel - NACDD

Let's Spring forward with March, the DD Awareness month, and dedicate a short time to a growing HR challenge: Healthcare and related matters.

Today, the burgeoning idea of a single-pay system found the spotlight. Changes are looming and businesses need to follow closely the subject: no need to be caught by surprise. Whether it will happen or not, HR needs to anticipate possible changes and reexamine benefits portfolios. Healthcare benefits have been on a roller coaster, from being voluntary  to quasi-mandated to possibly or potentially removed from employers' charges. According to a study by the Think Tank Kaiser Family Foundation supporters of a single-pay system rose to 55% in 2017 from a more modest 40% in 2000. Caution is however to be observed since when informed about the practical implications of such system, that number decreased by 21%, bringing up opponents to the system to a total of 60% to 62%.  However, opinions will very much take shape and swing following any communication on the subject. Consequently, businesses and HR will need to stay updated on this topic. In any case, the quality of communication of health benefits remains crucial for employees to fully understand and weigh  their options when comes open enrollment. For now, employer-sponsored heath coverage remains a valuable benefit.

For more on the subject, SHRM has prepared a healthcare cost control study available here
If you need a refresher on the evolution of healthcare benefits, you may see  a click here for a previous post on healthcare puzzle. 
Also, if you missed the post on how employer-sponsored benefits have evolved, you may read on the gravitation of employer-sponsored benefits towards Global Trends here.

We will need to stay tuned on that very American issue.... il ne vous en déplaise chers lecteurs globaux...

And let's wrap up this Healthcare story on this #DDAwareness19 on Walmart most recent  business decision that has serious HR implications, as inclusivity and diversity are now de rigueur.  Read here if you missed it, or again click here if you want to share your story!

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