
Showing posts from November, 2015

Wrapping up the Year in Thanksgiving for HR ... En Hommage...

As People in the United States gather in Thanksgiving, we share our special thoughts with People around the World.  HRComatrix- Thangsviging1015 So, this short message is in Thanksgiving for the powerful images that have shaken the world this year, for the many global and US   changes that have been transforming the way People will live and earn ,  and for how HR will manage its Human   Capital   as   they move around , for examples of caring companies  around the globe , as well as for what we have at a personal level, our Friends and Families around the World. E n respect de la tradition aux  USA cette saison , ce billet est en reconnaissance et hommage à tous les individus, employés et employeurs qui ont transformé par le dit et le non-dit le visage du monde cette année-ci .

Is Engagement tied to Development? Why it does Matter.

UPDATE 11 / 14 /15:  In light of yesterday's events in France, I came to realize that, although a staunch believer of the deep linkage between Human Resource Management and Communication, I have somehow neglected this later . Engagement stems from the acceptance of a pushed communication and translates in positive actions. Levels of engagement depend on the "quality" of the communication and the "assimilation" of that communication. The power of communication is overwhelming. How effective is our HR communication? Yesterday's events rallied powerful images of global communication .  Communication brings light to  HR issues and HRM decisions. Original Post (11/12/14):   The other day at the question "Who wants to improve their metrics?" only three people in the room raised their hands. That was not 1/3rd of the group. Interestingly enough only leaders did. What should you think? Pack comfort zone? Evidently, in a group there are