
Showing posts from April, 2016

REVISITING EVALUATION: The Flip Side of Continuous Feedback

I t has been that time of the year again. All dread it, managers and employees alike: annual review time! © Ad_HRComatrix_Review G ranted, there have already been quite a few changes in many organizations . It has come gradually, in the forms of chats, mentoring, different forms of on-boarding, engagement initiatives, and the sort. We are talking about continuous feedback . The bottom line was to bring changes in performance results and in evaluation. In the eyes of the organization, it works! It is better, right? B ut what if instead of delivering a performance review you get one of your own from a member of your staff? Impossible? Unrealistic? Think twice about it . Continuous Feedback Breaks up The Barrier of Silence. C ontinuous feedback breaks up the barrier of silence . This is not meant to be negative. However, in some situations, it brings up the toxicity of negativity to the surface. What are the odds? Well, maybe this is a flip side of continuous feedback: