
Showing posts from June, 2016

Leadership Lessons From Fathers: Five Focus Points

©Ted_Ad_HRComatrix_FLeadership S unday was Father's Day. Whenever we think of fathers, we think leadership . So, what is it about fathers, people, and leadership? Families, businesses, people and countries are led by " father " figures. There are countless examples around the globe . That being said, some countries are known to be "matriarchal" and many leaders are women. This doesn't change the attributes surrounding leadership. Leadership has been associated with father figures throughout centuries. To those of us who have been fortunate enough to have had a father figure present in our lives - at home and/or work- we have learnt and grown for our experiences. So, what are the basic rules of leadership? VISION Without a clear vision, you have no goal to attain.  There is no finish line: we always can do better The possibilities are limitless: you always can better the world and the lives of those around you  STRONG GUIDELINES