
Showing posts from December, 2018


©AR_MTX_Communication&Branding L ife teaches us lessons in leadership on a global and personal scale as well, and branding is closely linked to leadership, as much as branding relies on communication. Lights on leadership can be dimmed or brightened depending on how communication is managed. It has been a challenging year to say the least, with its heavy share of highs and lows. So what life lessons can we take on this season of lights? COMMUNICATION: A CHANGED GAME THAT IS A GAME CHANGER I t is no secret: times have changed in pace and depth; with societal changes - call it evolution or revolution as you want -  we face extremely challenging situations. The older we are, the harder it is - no age discrimination intended - because the fact is that we have "learnt" and operated under different societal rules. Who says that change is easy? With the #meetoo -now global movement -, #green initiatives to say the least, and social media explosion , the communicat