Life teaches us lessons in leadership on a global and personal scale as well, and branding is closely linked to leadership, as much as branding relies on communication. Lights on leadership can be dimmed or brightened depending on how communication is managed. It has been a challenging year to say the least, with its heavy share of highs and lows. So what life lessons can we take on this season of lights?


It is no secret: times have changed in pace and depth; with societal changes - call it evolution or revolution as you want -  we face extremely challenging situations. The older we are, the harder it is - no age discrimination intended - because the fact is that we have "learnt" and operated under different societal rules. Who says that change is easy? With the #meetoo -now global movement-, #green initiatives to say the least, and social media explosion, the communication game is trickier day by day. Communication is not always used responsibly or ethically. It is no more the exclusivity of "communication professionals". Nowadays, everyone professes communication in one way or another. It is no more a two-way communication: it becomes increasingly challenging to manage as it comes in various intensities from all communicators - meaning all parties involved -. The winner is no longer necessarily the best: it is the one who has an effective communication strategy. Communication is no longer defined as talks and speeches and listening sessions. Today's communication calls for a well-crafted strategy and execution on the part of leadership. And professionals or not, we ought to learn about, and practice the ethics of communication as leadership is synonymous of responsibility. More than ever, HR and PR roles are intertwined. As HR we need to keep in mind that we are the voice, ears, and face of leadership. So, does it also mean that we have a role in branding?


The fact is that everyone carries a brand - sometimes unknowingly - and that is true for the most common of us, from the way we dress to the way we act. Brand is what makes you stand out from the crowd.  People are characterized, whether they like it or not. However people in leadership roles are aware that they need to cultivate a brand to stand out: it is a deliberate choice. From "tough" and "aggressive' to "soft" and "malleable" through "caring" or "dull" or "brilliant", leaders come in various shapes and forms. From their looks to their demeanors, leaders project their personal brands. That "brand" sticks to them and is very uneasy to overturn in times of crisis. More often than not, it can lead to their rise or fall. By the same token, organizations are very careful about their branding to project the correct image, attract and retain their targets, and convey their cultures.


Trying to overturn situations when crises occur is rather challenging to say the least. What is the must then?
  1. Choice or Good Fit: Organizations need to make a sound decision in choosing their leaders. If they want the status quo, they should avoid people who think out of the box, who like to bring changes; If they want to make a turn in their course of actions they need to be in tune with the leader they bring in and be ready for the consequences. If all they want is a face that executes theirs decisions, they don't need a "leader." It is a mutual, responsible decision from both parties. Not a good fit for you? Let it go! There are some other opportunities....
  2. Consistency: Part of branding is consistency. Although organizations and leaders must evolve with situations, they need to remain consistent. There is a gap to bridge between consistency and rigidity, and a fine line between evolving with situations and "caving in" and giving up on core values. The path towards the vision may require adjusting here and there, within consistency.
  3. Predictability: Predictability is a component of consistency and creates a climate of confidence vis-à-vis those who watch, follow or support the leaders, as well as a sense of stability within the organization. It parallels that transactional relationship between parents and children: without predictability, there is lack of guidance, lack of guidelines to rely on. It creates erratic responses from managers, leading to counter intuitive decisions. 
As expectations grow and communication explodes, it is uneasy to dim the lights on struggling leadership ....


Eh bien, l'on ne sait plus quoi penser ni où donner de la tête: la crise provoquée par un changement de société, et une communication devenue vertigineuse et incontournable - grand merci aux réseaux sociaux et à la tech - changent la donne dans tout leadership.

Mais comment une société, ou une organisation peut en arriver là? "Là" c'est la crise.


D'abord la Communication: Elle a changé de visages et de proportions. Elle est devenue incontrôlable car elle fuse de partout et dans tous les sens possibles. Les émotions n'ont plus de frontières car les problèmes sont partagés, globaux: du #meetoo "Americain" - un peu trop poussé il faut le dire au goût de certains car on n'ose plus donner un compliment au sexe opposé -  , au sujet du #climat et de l'environnement, en passant par les réseaux sociaux -  où les émotions sont vives, parfois au-delà de la raison et du bon sens - Les règles du jeu ont changé, de même les sociétés à cause des influences "globales". Parfois, ont a une fausse idée de se qui se passe ailleurs: ce n'est pas toujours aussi brillant comme on veut le croire! .... Bref, la donne de la Communication, ce n'est plus pareil! Elle n'est plus réservée aux professionnels, ne vous en déplaise! Elle est prise en otage par qui veut et mieux mieux! De nos jours, le gagnant est celui qui utilise la stratégie appropriée pour sa cible: peu importe.... Quid de l' éthique donc?


Pas de communication sans branding quand on parle de leadership. Chacun sa signature et l'on n'y échappe pas: individus ou organisations. Mais l'essentiel, c'est quoi alors? Eh bien garder son image de marque à tout prix? Hum... Je pense plutôt que cela se manage, en amont. Les changements, nul n'y echappe, les crises, on en verra tous. Mais dans tout ça, et avant tout ça, que faut-il pour minimiser les dégâts?

- Un bon Match: On a les leaders que l'on choisit! Les deux parties font un choix concerté mais cela doit être aussi un choix responsable. Cela doit être un bon mariage. Autrement, ne parlez même pas de partenariat...
- Uniformité - Sens de Continuité - : Promouvoir un sens d'uniformité et de continuité est essentiel. C'est une partie intégrante du branding. L'on est ce que l'on est, même si l'on peut et doit rester flexible. Le monde a besoin de voir que l'on est une personnalité sur laquelle l'on peut compter
- Prédictible: D’où la prédictibilité devient nécessaire.  Le monde a besoin d'assurance: peut-il compter sur ce leader? Est-il un sujet de  confiance? Cela donne un sens ou sentiment de stabilité crucial en temps de crise.

Il y a et aura toujours un gap entre le leader visionnaire et son team car les intérêts sont parfois divergents. Mais là où l'on reconnaît le leader efficace est quand il arrive à joindre ces deux bouts contradictoires judicieusement... et mettre la lumière sur l'essentiel. Après tout, c'est la saison de Noël...


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