Disruption .... People and Viral Disruption
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This is a Time of Disruption
To many if not all of us, Covid-19 has been a time of disruption. It is a disruption to our daily routine: work and daily life, continuum, momentum, sense of security or insecurity. Worklife is being redefined for the long term. Let's pause for a moment and make a bulb for ourself. Where are you now?
Change is Around You and in You
First it was an annoyance, then a concern, and later on a burden, but now it is a dramatic reality that change will be forever, for both employers and employees.
For a moment, I would like to not inundate you with practical information in this post: we have been, on a consistent basis, smothered by Covid-related information (cf. top of page) and communication of all sorts.
On the contrary, this is an invitation to take a deep breath and to think about you, as a person, as an employee or employer, and take a moment to think for yourself. Where is this leading you? Where do you want to be? If you have been moonlighting because of the circumstances, what is next?
This major disruption will bring us to rethinking our professional and personal initiatives and paths, and maybe goals.
This disruption is the transition to the new normal, the future of work, and the future of you. YOU define it...
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Une Nouvelle Page
Non, la vie ne continue pas de la même façon...Elle a été interrompue d'une manière draconienne pour ainsi dire et maintenant quoi?Ceci n'est pas un post ou vous trouveriez des réponses aux questions habituelles, mais juste un souffle après un break. Il arrive un moment où l'on a besoin d’être protégé des furies d'informations (cf. titres en haut de page) pour reémerger. Ceci est un moment zen...
Maintenant, prenez un moment pour souffler: souffler la bougie car rien rien ne sera plus jamais pareil, souffler pour réfléchir sur vous-même, resoufler et émerger, comme un jet libre et frais, de ce tsunami virulent...
La vie reprend et bon gré, mal gré, vous avez changé et vécu une mutation (pas seulement pour les mamans mais à propos pour la fête des mères) ... A vous de vous redéfinir et de définir cette nouvelle page...
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