Thoughts of July Celebration as HR Highlights Trading Places, People, and Services

This is July! It's hot as we celebrate the 1st of July in Canada, the 4th of July in the USA,  and the 14th in France!  And HR seats get hotter as we think of trading assets across borders.

Reading news and thoughts on the subject really brings me back to my Economics class! Today, the professor would be so happy because of the slew of information and thoughts on the subject; and most lead to the conclusion that this is not so much a cause for celebration for HR. And, yet, it is: we celebrate!

Globalization is neither bad, nor is it a banned word for the HR world: it is a living and ever-changing process. Basic principles of economics dating from thousands years ago introduced the notion that no group can grow without exchanges. So, let's just limit ourselves to two main thoughts: 1) Businesses have to accept exchanges if they think about sustainability, and 2) Exchanges are synonymous of partnership, collegiality, and as such, opposite to adversity.

HR in a Global World

It is so common to think business when you think HR. But lets think "Team" for a moment. HR is about bringing a team together, and leading it to success; Think French soccer team for the moment. Agreeing, it also defines leadership but HR is about "shepherding" people so, sure enough, in HR you lead a group of people along a given path to meet the same goal. You fail with your group or you celebrate with it. It is not about perfection: it is about success that could call for finding compromises, having an open mind.  And it really does not matter where the team "comes" from (geographical location, graduating institution, previous industry, or country of origin) as long as the business complies with existing laws and its internal culture, and meets its needs. You may learn more about the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) and HR implications from here.

En Synthèse....

Nous vivons dans un monde global. C'est inéluctable. C'est aussi valable dans le domaine RH. Ne cherchons pas la petite bête. Voilà  pourquoi les RH, c'est maintenant du global leadership, conduire son équipe au succès et célébrer - ou essuyer les échecs - avec elle à travers les continents, les cultures, et le contexte international. Voyons les récents exemples de ce mois de Juillet.

Les RH, c'est aussi beaucoup comme ceci. A bon entendeur, salut !?... 

N.B.: Some links might be only available to SHRM members


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