Rethinking HR : Resources are Human Beings with Needs and Personal Lives

Do you consider yourself passionate about HR? I care equally about business interests/results and people matters. It is an enjoyable "juggling" or balancing act. It keeps you engaged. Unfortunately, concerns often conflict and it puts HR on a rough spot; it is a consistent reminder of our vulnerabilities as humans and professionals, regardless of our field of work.  It is also fair to say that among my other top interests are Fashion and Cooking. To me, both are synonymous of cultures in so many ways: both Fashion and Cooking/Cuisines tell you so much about a given society and/at a given time. It is a constant discovery, and stimulates creativity. It is also sharable.

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This week's shock hit hard and so close to home with the tragic losses of Fashion icon Kate Spade and celebrity Chef  Anthony Bourdain. Please, refer to available sources for help @afspnational , or text “Talk” to 741741.I
They will be remembered for their outstanding , out- of- the box achievements. Kate Spade' s design stands out for its purity, modern and happy lines. Women have been wearing a lot their Kate Spade handbags this week! Bourdain opened our eyes and hearts to so many unknown parts of the world because cooking and storytelling connect us to so many facets of the world! The media has been inundated by coverage of Tony Bourdain's life! We grieve...

Too much Communication?

As I so often questioned myself on whether I was leaning too often or too much on the Communication aspect of HR, this week made me realize that it is acutely relevant that we listen, communicate and share, and help the members of our organization be/live their lives. I do not intend to minimize the call for serious attention to business performance: it is crucial for the existence of any business. As HR professionals and as a HR function we are accountable for performance standards and results of our organization. But again, we should never lose sight of the fact that organizations are made of people, human beings who have personal lives. Neither should we give lip service on the subject. Why? Because businesses need to be sustainable. It is irrelevant to talk about HR and cultivate or create a breakdown in communication, because it would be alienating the human aspect and needs of our (organization) resources. Advances in HR technologies, practices, and need for business results improvement should never stir away from human considerations if our main resources are human.

HR Has a Role to Play: Find Yours

While the balance is uneasy to reach, it is not unattainable. HR has a role in society in general in global citizenship with the need to address societal concerns/issues, such as Public Health and Safety matters within the boundaries of the profession, and through attention to HR programs. We can think Communication to address Work/life balance and business goals, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) to provide support within respect of privacy, Wellness to join with Public Health efforts, Updates on Policies, Procedures, and benefits to meet changing needs of both organization and people. We need to stay alert and  evolve with times and places.

So, HR is business; but it cannot continue as business as usual. We cannot be trapped in rigidity and/or routine, nor should we be smitten by technologies. We need to actually and actively balance business and evolving human needs, and we need to commit to such level of business performance, and service, and social responsibilities as well. That is regardless of our level of HR: regardless of our mission, job, or task.

En Synthèse....

La Vulnérabilité des Ressources Humaines

Parfois, nous sommes mis à nu et arrivons à la triste réalisation de notre impuissance face à certaines situations.  La France a partagé la perte encore vive des USA dans deux domaines qui font sa notoriété: la Mode et la Cuisine! Double tragédie avec la perte tragique du designer  Kate Spade and Chef  Anthony Bourdain (en mission en Alsace) la même semaine, c' est trop!  N' hésitez pas à faire appel aux sources d' aide qui existent @afspnational  or text “Talk” to 741741. 
M/F Suicide ratio 2015 (OMS)
Autres sources locales: cliquer ici

Pour communiquer sur le sujet, n'oubliez pas ces recommandations de l'OMS

Les RH doivent rester concernés et connectés. Après tout, et avant tout, nous avons affaire à des être humains

Update; Sharing from @afspnational : Tune in to @CNN on Sunday, June 24th at 7 pm ET for a special on suicide prevention hosted by @andersoncooper and chief medical officer, @cmoutierMD.


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