Updated (April 2, 2016)
 As we approached this year's HR challenges, I briefly talked about Reinventing HR, and HR and 

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People analytics in my previous post. The good news: HR is among the top 20 most needed jobs! (update: Andrée Laforge found it as ranking 10th on SHRM source). The not so bad news: HR expertise has been shifting. Indeed, for 2016 and beyond being an HR is about:
  • Keeping up with technology, which leads to a more global, connected way of working via Cloud, Skype, and mobile devices among others. We also have to understand the importance of datafication and HR analytics. Let's stay cool: this can help in general, and here and here are practitioners' experiences.
  • Understanding the changes in work environment due to societal and cultural changes. This affects the redefinition of benefits, global talent, and again brings us back to a redefinition of collaborative work as societal, cultural, and geographical frontiers become blurry.
Whenever you get the chance to read about Project CHREATE, learn more about the shifting face of HR from now thru 2025 here.

Today, there is so much more going on out there. It is not only about HR expertise but also about changes in the work environment: People going back and forth, in and out at a faster pace, being different, thinking differently, having new priorities, connecting to each other in a new mode, sharing thoughts and opinions across the globe at the speed of Instagram and personal devices, displaying a new array of challenges that HR cannot ignore any longer. So, yes, it is still relevant to HR expertise with new components to that expertise, with an added twist to it. Today and in the future, HR expertise is no longer encased in knowledge, practices, routine and technology. It is about moving along with - if not ahead of - the people you take care of. HR is no longer about leading people: it is about understanding, anticipating  people, business and society. It is a dynamic trilogy that is wrapped in data and analysis. Boundaries become blurry, stakes higher, challenges almost limitless.

Changes occur every day in all parts of the world and affect the notion of HR. How can we ignore bereavement pet leave that is introduced by a software, an insurance and a hospitality company in the US ? There is also the challenge of Do Ask, Do Tell, among other shifts. In fact, there is a trend for recommending asking about sexual orientation and gender identification at hiring. JPMorgan Chase, Facebook, Ernst & Young, Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank are leading the way. How about FMLA and PTO new faces with the diversity of allowed leaves for work-life balance and that range from menstrual leave to "breasfeeding hour" to fathers? How about the notion of unlimited PTO? How about remote work? And let's not forget privacy and safety issues. The key is to own your HR expertise within the current criteria of HR - unless you want to be replaced by a robot - : no two companies are going to be alike.

One thing is certain: whether you are ready or not HR is changed and will continue to do so in a spring forward mode.

En Synthèse....

Les RH ont le vent en poupe, de gré ou de force. Les changements se multiplient à travers le globe...

En Synthèse....


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Les RH ont le vent en poupe, de gré ou de force. Les changements se multiplient à travers le globe et à plusieurs niveaux. La société du travail change au pas de la société globale.  Les challenges deviennent incontournables. Alors, les RH de demain, ce n'est pas seulement une question d'expertise. Ou devrais-je dire c'est à propos d'une nouvelle notion d'expertise. Les RH doivent s'ouvrir au nouveau monde du travail, lequel n'est plus séparé de la société globale.

Mettez vos phares sur les liens d'au-dessus et explorez ce vent nouveau. Autant se préparer car l'on ne peut plus faire marche arrière.


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