© 2013 AR_HRCom - HolidaysGlobal


In acknowledgment to one feedback on my posting on holiday parties last year, I would like to make a small interlude on the millennial lessons short series. The following are results of SHRM polls over the last three years: 

In  2010, slightly one half (61%) of organizations were planning to hold an end-of-year/holiday party for their employees.

According to the 2011 poll, 68% of organizations would have held a 2011 end of year/holiday party for employees. Traditionally 61% of those organizations would hold their party location off-site.

In 2012, more organizations (72%) were to  hold holiday parties. Also, 68% of the parties were to be held  off site. Only 7% were to hold the parties  on-site to save money. Basically, about 25% of employers were to continue their  practice of holding on-site holiday parties. This showed a decrease in this practice.

This last survey also revealed interesting key findings on how holiday parties were to be to carried-out , as well as on how employees' conducted themselves during office parties:
 - 61% were to serve alcohol at their parties with 51% to regulate its consumption in one way or another: drink tickets or maximum allowed at 57%, or limitation of types of drinks served at 42%, or having a cash bar at 25%;
- During the course of the year, 33% of surveyed organizations had some sort of policy allowing alcohol consumption at "work-related events". Only 41% do not have any formal or informal policy on the matter.
- Interesting enough 90% of organizations had no discipline issue resulting from drinking alcohol at business events over the last 24 months prior to holiday parties.
- A BizBash and Food delivery Seamless survey on corporate holiday parties gives a sense on how events were planned and organized. Interesting enough 55% of parties were planned by the administrative or executive assistants or HR associates. 
67 percent reported improved team dynamics as a direct result of office holiday get-togethers, and 75 percent reported improved office friendships. - See more at:
67 percent reported improved team dynamics as a direct result of office holiday get-togethers, and 75 percent reported improved office friendships. - See more at:
67 percent reported improved team dynamics as a direct result of office holiday get-togethers, and 75 percent reported improved office friendships. - See more at:
Corporate citizenship practices are also prevalent during the holidays through charitable donations and/or drives for 74% of organizations surveyed.

Although 30% of organizations give a non-performance based bonus for the holidays, 66% offer none.

For 2013, let's have a look at the DOL blog. It is about the minimum raise issue, as according to a recent Gallop pool, most Americans favor a raise in minimum wage. "Feeding a table of 10 this Thanksgiving will cost $49 on average" per The American Farm Bureau Federation. Retail sales  increased only by 2.3 percent in comparison to 2012 Thanksgiving sales and Black Friday, and falling well below expectations, according to ShopperTrack report. The minimum wage matter is not about "holiday giving or charity" but simple economics.

By the same token, trends for 2013 are toward an upswing in holiday parties. They are also being "more thoughtful and employee-focused" since previous surveys of corporate holiday planners have revealed a change in office dynamics at 67%, and an increase in office friendship at 75%. With about 50% of organizations planning on offering alcohol, here are some tips for limiting your liability, and guidelines on Holiday giving and obligations.


According to a Secrétariats Sociaux Partena et HDP 2012 survey in Belgium, 90% of employers were to give a holiday bonus or present to their employees, with 56% hosting a holiday party with alcohol.
End-of-year bonuses, whether monetary of not, are 100% tax deductible for organizations of all sizes.

In France, the 13th month (equivalent to one month salary given at the end of the year), although not mandatory, is a common practice, and finely regulated.

Interesting enough on the previous note and subject of simple economics, in this LDC, where social security framework is very different from that of the US although closer to the one in Europe, this organization of 100+ in the construction industry has the practice of not only giving holiday bonuses to its employees, in majority minimum wage workers, but also offers each and every single one of them a turkey. Same practice was observed in a large distribution corporation. Check out these global practices gathered by SHRM. Lesson to be learnt for Multinationals?

Worldwide, it has always been an understanding that holiday cheers are expression of "larger intentions" as , CEO of GrowBiz Media, says. In Holiday giving the What and How make a "world" of difference in your company branding, internal communication, and employee morale and engagement.

© 2013 AR_HRCom - HolidaysGlobalRef
Voici quelques "tips" sur la prime de fin d’année. Bien entendu, pas d’inégalités entre CDD et CDI, même si ce n'est pas obligatoire. Aussi, si vous avez oublié les modes de calculs en cas d'absence, ce document est une bonne référence en la matière

Parlant de primes, je suis tombée sur l’enquête Hays sur la rémunération de 2012. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore consultée, vous pouvez la décharger ici. 

J'ai aussi vu ce qui se passe en Belgique, en termes de cadeaux de fin d’année. Des chocolats, bien sûr, mais aussi des parties et des primes de fin d’année. Le tout? Quatre vingt-dix  pour cent (90%) des employeurs le font sous une forme ou une autre.

Exemple d'un pays des PMA: cette entreprise de construction donne en plus de primes de fin d’année une dinde à chacun de ses employes, en majoritaire ouvriers de construction. Pour la petite histoire c'est une entreprise de plus de 100. Toutefois, une large compagnie de distribution en fait de même. Pour simple référence, regardez ce qui s'observe dans les autres pays du monde, tel que présenté par SHRM. 

Le Canada, ce pays à cheval entre l'Europe et les USA, le prouve en termes de pratiques de primes et bonus de fin d’année:  72% des employés sondés savent que le bonus est imposable. Toutefois, 44% espèrent beneficier d'une party de fin d’année. 

Et pour finir, si cet article de Références  parle des pires cadeaux donnés, sachez que global business signifie que ceci pourrait être monnaie courante aux USA et par dessus tout et selon toute apparence, absolument pas considéré comme pire des cadeaux; tels la "tasse avec le logo d'entreprise" ou le "montant ridicule"....! Et oubliez le 13e mois si vous voulez travailler aux USA. Toutefois, pour une note positive, et rendre à César ce qui appartient à César, certains employeurs, souvent de petites entreprises, donnent parfois de coquettes primes de fin d’année...dans le cas d'un des mes anciens collègues, suffisant pour remodeler sa salle de bains à sa grande joie et surprise! 

Unanimement, autour du globe, il est reconnu que les primes et cadeaux de fin d’année, sous une forme ou une autre, ne peuvent qu’être bonnes pratiques pour votre organisation comme le dit , CEO de GrowBiz Media. C'est aussi important en RH et Communication Interne et Externe. Seulement, attention, tout n'est pas de donner, encore faut-il savoir comment donner.


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