A New Lift.... Point Blank? ...Communication in the Marketplace Series - Part I

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Shake...Silence in the Dark.... Point Blank

These last months have seen so many changes in a couple of organizations for which I find myself involved in communication dealings of some sort. Talking about a turbulent summer. You wonder how can so many unsettling things happen at the same time...It gives a real meaning to the expression "when it rains it pours". Shaking an organization from the inside out always causes waves, big and small, with the ripple or domino effect on stakeholders.

Organization A: a well-respected and liked CEO is transferred. Internal and external stakeholders waited several excruciating weeks before the announcement of a replacement finally came.... only a week before the exit of the leader. Organization B: a well-rounded but not so appreciated leader is leaving. Six weeks after the exit, no "known" replacement yet. Let's be correct: no announcement is made yet, not even for a formal interim. And let's not forget organization C which took six months to replace a VP.

The common denominator: lack of communication,  lack of transparency; destabilized internal stakeholders wonder if corporate strategy is to ...destabilize the organization, point blank.
Ripple effect? Internal stakeholders communicate their anxiety to patrons. Disenchanted employees display a disengaged behavior that in return cause unavoidable sanctions. Results? The marketplace is contaminated by fear, anxiety, paranoia. The goal was a new lift ....

Avoidable Trance?

Sometimes, one could easily compare the situation to the one of a parent-child relationship where the parent makes a decision without any explanation....just because he is entitles to as a parent, or because he knows all the facts. The decision is made. Good! Even better if it is for the well-being and growth of the company. That becomes questionable when members of the organizations are in constant trance. Fact-sharing, to a certain extend usually brings cooperation and wipes off all blurriness...

What do I observe? What informal communication is about? Lack of energy, disengagement, tiredness, incivility...where did the positive go? ..Meet you at the next posting...

En Synthèse...

En Synthèse

Laisser dans le Noir 

Voici trois organisations A, B, C cet été qui ont parcouru leur "change". Les CEO partent..ou sont obligés de partir, d'une facon ou d'une autre. Chose choquante: pas de replacement en perspective...Pas d'annonces, jusqu’à la dernière minute. Pourquoi tant de déstabilisation?

Bien sûr dans l'organisation B, je sais que quelqu'un tient les rênes. Mais non! Ne le laissez pas transparaître surtout!!!! L'on félicite "tout le monde" par un "Qui dit que vous avez besoin d'un grand patron? Vous résultats sont fantastiques"...Pire de tout: les managers pensent que c'est vrai!! Quelqu'un m'a dit "oui, chacun fait son travail et tout marche comme sur des roulettes"...et cette petite millenial d'ajouter en circonstances similaires "Pour quoi faire un manager? Qui a besoin de recevoir des ordres?".(comprendre par la "Qui a besoin de directives?")...

En attendant, tout le monde est en transe et le manque de civilité escalade en vitesse...Comment cela se manifeste, quelles en sont les conséquences? nous en reparlerons dans notre prochain numéro...


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