Back to Business ...Metro-Boulot-Dodo ....Train...Train... Globalization Challenges?

Global August

Back to school and to business. In August?
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If you are from the European part of the world, or a country that has embraced European business culture, August means summer. Meaning: relaxation, beach house, vacation, getting rid of the metro-boulot-dodo pattern, being free, regenerating, refueling, getting that beautiful tan....FREE and  HAPPY!...for longer than two weeks...

If you are where Europeans would call "Outre-Atlantique," (understand USA), August is back to business and back to school. Questionable timing in these times of globalization as even Saudi Arabia adjusted its business timetable to better meet non-Muslim nations opportunities by changing its week-end to Friday/Saturday versus the previously, traditional Thursday/Friday one? However, if you talk to some people, many will tell you that years ago, they did not go back to school until "past labor day," at least in some parts of the country. Now, you need summer and winter clothes for children when they go back to school. Business oblige? Times change, business evolve...

In any event, there is always some business opportunity, no matter the time. At least, we can create one. Summer months and Vacations? Hotels, restaurants, car and vacation rentals, house building and remodeling, ...August?...time to go back to school, go back to business...

I have to admit that it is hard to go back to work in August. I suppose or should I say, I observe that, in this part of the world, it is quite normal. Falling in the normalcy in this society is for some people juggling two or three jobs, or having the day over at 4pm, or having an employment-at-will, or restaurants serving dinner as early as tea-time, or having little or no vacation...

At each society, its own norms. In some countries, it is normal to have no business in the midst of the day because it is too hot. The day would resume later in the afternoon after the customary sieste (understand nap following a good lunch). Feel free to see them as lazy until you realize that the heat can be intolerable without air conditioning and plenty of ice cubes! and if you main meal is lunch, you can relate to the need for a sieste....


Back to Metro-Boulot-Dodo

So, back to business in August? 

I enjoy seeing Millenials coming to work in their joyful summer outfits, or with a summery bag of change of clothes because they do "not want to be out there with their work clothes" as one young lady told me. I also heard complaints from co-workers about employees who do not want to "miss the pool party". 
I wonder, how is your absenteeism rate out there during this month of August? and how is the engagement level? Happy back to business! Happy summer! Happy August! 
Happy back Metro-Boulot-Dodo! (Understand back to same old routine,

En Synthèse.....

En Synthèse 


Alors qu'en Europe et dans les pays qui suivent le même rythme l'on est en plein été, aux USA c'est la rentrée en pleine force! Pas tellement étonnant: les USA sont uniques et sont un grand monde un peu à
part!...Bienvenu au pays du freedom (que les Européens appelleraient "insécurité du travail") et des opportunités! Les congés de 4-5 semaines, c'est pas donné non plus! Et combien jonglent 2 ou 3 jobs?

Chaque société a ses propres normes...comme la sieste dans les pays chauds! Allez, vous pouvez les taxer de paresse tant que vous ne réalisez pas l'effet de la chaleur sans ventilateurs et air conditionné, ou boissons glacés à portée de mains! J'ai toujours eu du mal à comprendre le besoin de bière en plein terrain désertique....l'on m'a dit que c'est rafraîchissant!! ah!... c'est glacé!!ah!!..c'est la seule boisson "hygiénique" à portée de mains!!...
Récemment l'Arabie Saoudite a changé son week-end du traditionnel Jeudi/Vendredi au Vendredi/Samedi pour s'adapter au business  du monde non-Islamique. Globalisation oblige!

Bonjour Metro-Boulot-Dodo au mois d’Août!

Moi, j'aime voir les jeunes venir au travail avec les couleurs vives d’été, ou avec un sac d’été plein de "vêtements de travail." Car ils ne vont pas "porter leurs vêtements de travail dehors!" comme m'a dit cette jolie demoiselle. Et un manager m'a dit "j'en ai ras-le-bol de ces gens qui se plaignent de manquer leur pool party, ou qui ne veulent rien faire".

Je suis curieuse de savoir quel est le taux d’absentéisme pour une rentrée en plein mois d’Août!? Combien tournent leurs pouces en regardant le ciel par la fenêtre, combien se partagent des photos d’été ou de party sur leurs portables? ...Bonne rentrée! Bonjour Métro-boulot-dodo!!..ou pas tout à fait encore?


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