Iron Lady or Iron Man? Keep HR Human

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A few weeks ago, I came across a quite refreshing post from Everyday People. Steve was talking about the rewards of field work, of being close to and exposed to everyday people who often commute to walk into your office, people that you interview, those that you hire and dismiss. Do you "Remember When" it last happened to you? It could have been yesterday if you are still in operations, or a year or two ago, or even more if you have evolved to another position. Have you forgotten what makes you a "people person"? Do you think that you are less of a professional in your chosen field now? Think again.

Meet "Lisa", an incredibly vibrant professional. She is one of those people who get to be on and off the field. She is the heart of the company . Well, she can make things positively happen for the company. She makes the best out of bad situations, mitigates risks. She listens to everyday people whenever needed and counsels field executives. And I have been told that some "tough"and "rough" executives had left some of her meetings in tears. To my eyes she is the "ïron" lady who understands business and everyday people and puts things in perspective. It is a fact that everyday people are often those who are at the bottom of the totem pole and who are both powerless and powerful. They are powerless to their "tough" supervisors but powerful because they are the Human Capital of the organization. Lisa's touch to everyday people is her ability to substantially improve their working lives. Have you been there? Then you know that it is an immensely compelling but rewarding job: people count on you to bring changes, and you do what you know best. Balancing their needs and business risks depends on your firm, yet balanced expertise.

Keep The Human Touch
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The idea is to personally keep the human touch of the function. Lisa's making was all about Employee Relations. Steve's example was the one of recruitment. But it could be as simple as a brown bag session as well, or whatever example that you have in memory. To me, the best reward is seeing how the people you have hired have evolved in or out of the organization, or how much a project has positively impacted people's lives. It is some type of self-assessment, a barometer. And yes, it is strange how much you remember the circumstances, how you presented the case to the hiring manager, and realizing after time has passed how "right" or “wrong” you have or could have been. I have seen a candidate refused by a manager and hired by another a year later. The candidate was ideal but interviewers' perspectives were different. It turned out to be one of the strongest hires among employees to this day. Circumstances, needs, people change and we need to keep that in mind.  I really enjoy seeing the enthusiasm of "fresh blood". I enjoy even more discovering the "shine" of personalities who unveil over time. It often brings a whole new dynamic to any given situation or site.

And there are examples of repositioning. Change is never easy. Let's hope that when one decides to reposition somebody - whatever the reason is - one has taken the time to thoroughly reflect on the consequences of the change on both individuals, groups,  and the organization. Seeing the big picture should not hinder realities. Being in a strategic position makes you forget the reward of field work? In fact, having a strategic mindset gives you the advantage of making level-minded decisions.Conversely, it is always good to go back on the field from time to time and not lose that “human” touch of HR. It makes you a more effective HR professional. Yes, it is a system; but it is a system made out of people’s lives, as quite a few of us realize. 

En Synthèse....

En Synthèse....Iron Man ou Iron Lady? Restez Humain en RH

Et oui! N'oubliez pas que vous êtes dans une profession qui touche la vie de "Everyday People," l'homme de la rue. Vous êtes le cœur de votre organisation. Être dans une position de stratégie pour l'entreprise n’empiète pas à votre sens de l’humanité. Vos choix, vos décisions affectent la personne qui vit en face....


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