Hillary Clinton to HR....One is Fallible

I have to admit that I missed SHRM13: the meeting of course, and Chicago....and sadly, I missed a great opportunity to see Hillary Clinton talking to SHRM people! Among other things, I like this part of her speech:
... "Secondly, it’s important to take criticism seriously but not personally. If you’re in the public eye or even the HR department, you get a lot of challenges and questions and conflicts you have to resolve. You are going to be criticized. I learned you do need to listen to the criticism; you might very well learn to get better. But it can’t be so personally absorbed that you can’t get out of bed the next day." (Bill Leonard & Kathy Gurchiek, in Clinton Feels at Home in Chicago and with HR, SHRM, 6/16/2013 )

How true! You cannot be better if you are too self-absorbed, too focused on "doing well," and ridiculously badly (poorly) doing what is supposed to be your job...In other terms you are underperforming.

So You Know That You are the So-called Evil HR Lady/Man When....

  • People know you for your frown
  • People say that going to your office is like going to the principal's office
  • People don't greet you spontaneously (but do you greet them or aknowledge them?)
  • A close colleague says jokingly that you pretend loving them...
  • You don't realize that people/managers do what you say because it sounds more like orders than advices

And It Is Time for Retrospective When....

  • Employees report on you to Employee Relations as "worthless"
  • You are having trouble interpreting some guidelines
  • You stay silent at a public event that involves employees' fate
  • You don't admit your humanity (man is fallible: take ownership of your mistakes and learn from there)
  • You feel isolated but won't admit it to yourself

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Learn and Live and Do Better: You are Fallible...

  • Deep down you are not a bad person...You know it...
  • You just want to succeed...
  • Maybe you feel insecure ...
And it's fine. It just does not have to be at others' expense...

Does it sound like a joke? Probably yes to many of us. Offending to some of us. Well, let's face it: it can be truthful to some or many of us. Man is fallibe, HR is fallible, what matters is that we recognize it and learn from our mistakes....let's not make it a lifestyle...or a "workstyle"...and let's not be defeated by criticism: let's build from it. Let's learn from it and get better; let's become and be better....

En Synthèse.....

En Synthèse

Oui, Errare humanum est. Mais l'essentiel est de reconnaître ses limites et d'avoir la capacité d’écouter les critiques et de les tourner à notre avantage. Nul n'est parfait, mais ne perpétuons pas l'image du vilain méchant loup de RH....Hilary Clinton l'a clairement dit au cours de la dernière conférence SHRM à Chicago. (cf. Bill Leonard & Kathy Gurchiek, in Clinton Feels at Home in Chicago and with HR, SHRM, 6/16/2013 )


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