Best Places to Work linked to EQ?

Is it even a plausible theory that there are linkages between Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Stakeholders' Perception of Business Success? Of course, one can argue that all theories are plausible and defensible. But if we narrow things down we could evaluate what makes an Organization viewed as "a Best Place to Work". According to Best Place to Work methodology, companies are accounted for:
The total score, among other additional criteria, will determine if the organization meets the criteria of "Best Place to Work."

From "Kentucky Chamber of Commerce" <>
Down to the basics, since only 1/3 of points is earned from benefits and internal programs, and 2/3 based on management credibility, camaraderie, and job satisfaction, one would deduct that management behavior and attitude is going to define a large part the work environment, turnover, and employees' vote of confidence to the organization.

Consequently, when managers publicly demonstrate lack of cohesiveness, overt disagreement to each other, and / or lack of support to employees, it reflects negatively on HR. Because such is a true translation of lack of Emotional Intelligence on the part of the managers. You do not argue in public, you do not counsel your staff in public, you do not answer an employee request or concern by an abrupt "I do not know" or a "It was not done. I am sorry" without a follow-up offer. That is common knowledge. And managers do know it, in theory. As to apply it is another story...and is HR always aware of the situation? Questionable...

HR Competencies linked to Business Performance or vice-versa? 

Therefore, the question becomes this: if we already have made the mistake of hiring managers who lack Emotional Intelligence, should we not at the very least correct the situation through an adequate training program or individual counseling? Let's look at the Best Places to work and let's see where we stand. We do not need to have 1,000 employees to reach to the stars, but let's use the findings as a benchmark. It is said that Emotional Intelligence is mostly acquired by very early childhood, so the earlier we would correct our organization emotional behavior, the easier it would be for us to become  a better place to work for our employees, a better place to do business with for our customers, clients or patrons. Linkages? Yes, let's keep in mind that linkages are not imaginary...linkage between our organization's emotional intelligence and its success, linkage between HR competency and company's emotional "they have an impact on both the perceived effectiveness of the HR professional and the performance of the business supported by the HR professional."


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