HR Valentine Stories: Caution is "de Rigueur"

© AR_HRComatrix_ValentineStories O n the way to visit this company I was thinking: " No, no way I would want to work there...This is too far from the metropolitan area..." Surprise: I loved the place, the job , made lifetime friends... A bout an interviewee, on first impression : "Oh! what should I think?" Punky look, great smile, different industry, yet great background, so smart, flexible, and so likable... It was the best hire ever! H oliday Season: People are in gift giving mode at work! Valentine month is in December ! A word of wisdom for HR ? T he boss handing out heart-shaped candies: Underappreciated Valentine thoughts by many. Do we need to understand that thoughts count? Appreciation is a daily practice . A nd sharing SHRM's Valentine stories here ! From Valentine expressions to job postings...In HR we always have to be cautious...Happy Valentine to all HR people! What are your Valentine stories? Share with those around you.... ...