with latest update* T o some, this polemic smells Capitalism and Money , breaking the cycle of "unchartered waters". To others it is personally encouraging - if they support the new SHRM format - or all too simply confusing and unsettling , if they are out -of- the- loop, common HR people. To observers this is no surprise since they had unfolded the following about SHRM a few years back: "Board compensation increases Board compensation unchecked by independent committee Unrestricted first class travel for board members Only 38 percent of board members having at least a PHR certification Only 60 percent of board members are HR pros SHRM CEO is a finance pro, not an HR pro SHRM board uses a search firm to find board members, including those uncertified and not members of SHRM SHRM board retains nearly all power, with extremely limited member recourse" (References, here ) Updates on SHRM transparency efforts have been published. Get acquainte...