Driving Engagement Through Recognition and Communication? A Love Story

L et's talk communication: February is about love stories and so much of those can be shared in the workplace. Be reassured: we are not going to talk about the common workplace romance. Instead, let's talk about love stories between an organization and its people . One of them is the story of change for many companies, especially the ones engaged in direct customer experience, brought by digitalization of life - meaning, business and consumer lifestyles -. This unstoppable trend should boost rather than hinder how we drive engagement within organizations. The art of communication lies within the art of making people embrace - love vs. hate ©AC_Ad_HRCoCommunication - the new turn . According to a January 2017 Gallup survey, only 32% employees in the US are engaged, and 13% globally . So, what could be key factors hindering or promoting, and definitely affecting engagement? It all comes down to communication. The do's and don'ts of communication in the work...