Leadership and Candid Mentorship: Should We Change HR?

Brand New Year, Brand New You? Brand New HR Maybe? © AR_HRComatrix_2016HR I often deal with people seeking a new path, or who are at a turn in their careers. There are some interesting elements in the transition process: many, if not most, look for guidance; others are pushed in the process by external "sponsors." Confusing? It can lead to some sad observations. But rather, today, I would like to talk about two components of transformation in the workplace, and how it occurs. This time of the year large and small organizations put changes in place: restructuring, streamlining, relocation, optimization. In all cases, people are involved, and in these tough economic times, positions get eliminated. We all understand. What many do not understand is why so many obsolete people stay where they are. Transformation is from the Inside Out Let's define obsolete. One is obsolete when any or all these three red flags can be spotted: Employee A cannot keep up...