External Factors Cause HR Revolution: At What Cost?

©AR_HRComatrix_AdLee_HRevolution W e needed an interlude because it seems that when it rains, it pours. What is happening in the world of businesses and HR these days and times?!. Between minimum wage issue and ACA to exempt and independent contractor redefinition, employers scramble and employees foresee disaster . The DOL has spoken, HR is on the grill, businesses are concerned, workers are at loss, this is a time of confusion and transformation. Who is the winner? Several propositions have been coming from the DOL lately, with the redefinition of exemption being the major one. No less than uneasiness could be expected from this change. Added to that is the "economic realities"-based interpretation of independent contractors by the DOL. Changes are Ahead S o, for the HR world, what is there to do and understand ? SHRM and related groups have been vocal and explicit on the subject of OT exemption. Check on the current deadline if you want ...